Poster Contest
The National Conservation Poster Contest is open to K-12th grade students. Artwork entered into the national competition must have been judged in a local or area conservation district sponsored poster contest and a state/territory conservation association or state auxiliary sponsored contest.

Posters are due: September 25, 2024
Entries accepted from students in grades K-12 who are residents of Gloucester, Mathews, and Middlesex.
Posters may range in size, but must not exceed 11×17. Posters must have “May The Forest Be With You Always” written on the front of the poster to be eligible to compete at the State or National Level. All types of media may be used to create a flat or two-dimensional artwork. A digital artwork competition category is open for 7-12th grade entries only.
Up to 5 local winners, one from each age group will receive a $25.00 Wal-Mart gift card compliments of Tidewater SWCD!
All entries are due to the Tidewater Soil and Water Conservation District in Gloucester by September 25, 2024. Entries may be hand delivered to 6969 Fox Hunt Ln. in Gloucester or mailed to TSWCD Attn: Meredith Rose P.O. Box 677 Gloucester, VA 23061.
Digital Poster Entry Rules (7th-12th Grade)
Questions? Contact: Meredith Rose
Tidewater Soil and Water Conservation District
Address: PO Box 677
Gloucester, VA 23061
Phone: 804-699-3482

2022 Poster Contest Winner Kayla Walden from Middlesex Elementary School