Clean Water Farm

The Clean Water Farm/Bay Friendly Award is sponsored by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. This award is given to recognize and thank Virginia farmers who implement nutrient management plans and are exemplary in their protection of the state’s soil and water quality. These individuals are role models who encourage others’ stewardship. Farmers spend time, energy and hard-earned money carrying out conservation practices that benefit many people. They themselves benefit because nutrients, pesticides, and chemicals they invest in remain with the land where they’re most productive. The soil necessary to grow crops also stays put because of conservation planting techniques. When these potential pollutants are kept out of surface and ground waters, citizens benefit by having cleaner water for drinking, recreation, industry, wildlife and transportation. On a local level, each District can nominate one farmer per river basin to win a certificate of recognition signed by the governor and a sign to post at their farm for this award. Above and beyond the local award, one farmer or farm from each of Virginia’s 10 major river basins is chosen for outstanding management that improves water quality. These 10 winners receive an additional award presented at a special recognition ceremony; one winner will then be chosen as a state winner.

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Tidewater SWCD Clean Water Farm Awards

2022 Clean Water Farm Award - Winner Roger & Dustin Calhoun (Custom)

2023 Clean Water Farm Award Winner
Daniel Rilee & his mother, Frances Rilee

2023 Clean Water Farm Award Winner

Tidewater Soil and Water Conservation District has chosen to present Daniel Rilee with the 2023 Clean Water Farm Award. Mr. Rilee is a third-generation farmer raised on his family’s grain farm in Gloucester County. The home farm was purchased around 1918 by his grandfather Henry Rilee who farmed part-time, but also worked on the construction of the Coleman Bridge. Daniel’s father, Ray Rilee, began farming at a very young age. Daniel didn’t spend much time farming growing up, but he shared memories of riding on the fender of the tractor while his dad was side dressing nitrogen or running the field cultivator in beans and cleaning out grain bins.

While Daniel’s profession was not always farming, he took over full time management of the farm in 2015. However, his family still remains an integral part of his operation. Ray Rilee can be found running equipment, planting, keeping records, or acting as an advisor to his son. Daniel declared, “my mom is really the one that keeps things running.” Frances Rilee can be found running the drying equipment, helping to move equipment, keeping records, advising and many other tasks that have allowed her son and husband to remain productive all of these years.

Daniel primarily raises corn and soybeans in continuous no-till rotations. He is an avid participant in the Virginia Agricultural Cost Share program both in Tidewater SWCD and Three Rivers SWCD. Daniel participates in conservation tillage practices enrolling his acreage in continuous no-till. He plants rye, barley, and mixed species cover crops that include a mix of clover, radishes, and turnips. The farm is equipped with tile drainage and sod waterways to mitigate soil erosion and nutrient loss due to runoff. Mr. Rilee uses precision and variable rate technology for the application of nutrients which increases crop productivity and reduces runoff. In addition, he utilizes split applications, in-furrow/banded applications and nitrogen stabilizers to reduce nutrient losses.

Being raised on a farm, Daniel was taught early in childhood to value and respect the land. Those values lead him to accept an appointment as a director for Tidewater Soil and Water Conservation District in 2010. He has continued to serve as a member of our board for 13 years. He has provided our District with strong leadership serving as a slated officer in the positions of chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary.

It is our pleasure to award Mr. Daniel Rilee the 2023 Clean Water Farm Award for his years of dedication to agricultural and conservation practices serving Tidewater SWCD and his implementation of best management practices throughout his grain farming operation to prevent soil loss and reduce excess nutrients from entering the Bay.

2022 Clean Water Farm Award - Winner Roger & Dustin Calhoun (Custom)

2022 Clean Water Farm Award – Chairman, Buck Richardson presents the 2022 CWFA to Roger & Dusty Calhoun of Carlton & Calhoun Farms Inc. 

2021 Clean Water Farm Award – Chairman, Jason Bray presents the 2021 CWFA to Charles Rich of Richland Farms

2021 Forestry BMP Award – Chairman, Jason Bray Presents Tidewater Forestry BMP Award to John & Jane Elkins of Hunters, LLC & Bigfoot, LLC

Clean Water Farm Award 2020 – Conservation & Education Specialist, Sam Markwith presents Jason Benton of Benton Farms, Inc.