College Scholarships

The Tidewater Soil and Water Conservation District, through the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, has two scholarship opportunities available.

College Scholarship Winners

These scholarships are intended to promote the education of Virginia citizens in technical fields of natural resource conservation and environmental protection. The awards will be considered for students majoring in, or showing a strong desire to major in, a course curriculum related to natural resource conservation and/or environmental studies. All applicants must be residents of Gloucester, Mathews, or Middlesex County.

One scholarship, in the amount of $1,000.00, was established in memory of Mathews County resident, Mr. Martin J. Menges, a former District Director. Mr. Menges was co-founder and past president of the York River Chapter of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and co-founder of the watershed group Save the Ole Piankatank. Tidewater Soil & Water Conservation District will select the winner for the Martin J. Menges scholarship.

The Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts will award four freshmen level scholarships in the amount of $2,000.00 each on a statewide competitive basis. Each SWCD is to select one freshman applicant and forward the application to the VASWCD office for consideration. Four applicants from among the 47 statewide conservation districts will be awarded the scholarships. Applicants need to complete only one application which will be used for both the VASWCD and Martin J. Menges scholarships.

Individual applicants must be full-time students enrolled in or who have applied to a college freshman undergraduate curriculum. Applicants shall document a class ranking in the top 20% of their graduating class or a 3.0 or greater grade point average or appropriate equivalent of individual scholastic achievement. The applicant’s most recent official high school or college transcript must accompany the application. A copy of a school transcript will not be accepted.

Applicants shall demonstrate active interest in conservation. Selection will be based on scholastic ability, leadership qualities, and educational goals. Individual recipients of scholarships may reapply for scholarship consideration in ensuing years. All programs and services of the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation District’s Educational Foundation, Inc. are offered on a nondiscriminatory basis, without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status, or disability. All submitted paperwork is confidential and becomes the property of the VASWCDEF.

Scholarship guidelines and applications are available at the district office at 6969 Fox Hunt Lane in Gloucester, VA.

Applications are due March 25, 2025

Mail completed application to:

Tidewater SWCD
P. O. Box 677 Gloucester, VA 23061

Application available here: 2025 Scholarship Application & Instructions

Scholarships are awarded yearly contingent upon sufficient available funds.

2023 Tidewater Soil and Water Conservation District Scholarship Winner Faith Lewis

2024 Martin J. Menges Scholarship winner, Jackson Pyles of Middlesex, VA

2023 Tidewater Soil and Water Conservation District Scholarship Winner Faith Lewis

Vice Chairman, Daniel Rilee presents Faith Lewis of Mathews, VA with the 2023 Martin J. Menges Scholarship

2022 Winner - Brenna Hendrix from Gloucester High School (Custom)

Director, Ronnie Lewis presents Brenna Hendrix of Gloucester, VA with the 2022 Martin J. Menges Scholarship

2021 Winner - Chase Horsley from Gloucester High School (Custom)

Vice Chairman, Jason Bray presents Chase Horsley of Gloucester, VA with the 2021 Martin J. Menges Scholarship